Risky Cities
Living with Water in an Uncertain Future Climate


The Risky Cities project drew on innovative arts and humanities approaches to build climate awareness and help communities become more flood resilient, today and for the future.

The project gathered Hull-based stories of flooding and used them in community-based arts and heritage interventions as well as large-scale cultural productions developed in collaboration with project partners, Absolutely Cultured and the National Youth Theatre.

Hull has a long history of resilience in the face of flood events. As our society faces ever-increasing flood risk, we aim to learn from our communities’ experiences of living with water and communicate these stories in innovative and engaging ways to aid flood resilience.

Featured Highlights

How poet Andrew Marvell’s Hull was brought to life

By Rising Tide of Humber with Stewart Mottram

Collaboration with the National Youth Theatre to put climate change centre stage

Collaboration with the National Youth Theatre to put climate change centre stage 

Project Outputs

Community and youth engagement in co-creating a range of artistic outputs including film, theatre and poetry

Water2021, a projection and light-based event led by Absolutely Cultured

Melt, a major theatrical event delivered in collaboration with the National Youth Theatre

A website and social media presence to support and disseminate the programme of events

A policy report based on using arts and heritage interventions to build flood resilience in Hull

Contributions to academia through publications and a one-day end of project workshop